Basic Linux command lines along with short descriptions:
- ls - Lists directory contents.
- cd - Changes the current directory.
- pwd - Prints the current working directory.
- mkdir - Creates a new directory.
- rmdir - Removes an empty directory.
- rm - Removes files or directories.
- cp - Copies files or directories.
- mv - Moves or renames files or directories.
- touch - Creates a new empty file.
- cat - Concatenates and displays file contents.
- echo - Outputs text to the screen or a file.
- man - Displays the manual for a command.
- chmod - Changes file permissions.
- chown - Changes file ownership.
- ps - Displays active processes.
- kill - Terminates a process by its ID.
- top - Displays real-time system processes.
- df - Shows disk space usage.
- du - Estimates file and directory space usage.
- free - Shows memory usage.
- ifconfig - Configures network interfaces (deprecated; use ip).
- ip - Displays/manages IP addresses and routes.
- ping - Tests network connectivity to a host.
- wget - Downloads files from the web.
- curl - Transfers data from or to a server.
- nano - Opens a simple text editor.
- vim - Opens the Vim text editor.
- grep - Searches for patterns in files.
- find - Searches for files in a directory.
- locate - Quickly finds files by name.
- tar - Archives multiple files into one.
- zip - Compresses files into a ZIP archive.
- unzip - Extracts files from a ZIP archive.
- history - Displays the command history.
- clear - Clears the terminal screen.
- ln - Creates links between files (hard or symbolic).
- alias - Creates shortcuts for commands.
- uname - Shows system information.
- shutdown - Powers off the machine.
- reboot - Restarts the machine.
- whoami - Displays the current logged-in username.
- sudo - Runs commands with root privileges.
- apt-get - Installs, upgrades, or removes packages (Debian-based systems).
- yum - Installs, upgrades, or removes packages (RHEL/CentOS).
- dpkg - Package manager for Debian-based distributions.
- rpm - Package manager for Red Hat-based distributions.
- mount - Mounts filesystems.
- umount - Unmounts filesystems.
- scp - Securely copies files between hosts.
- ssh - Securely connects to remote hosts.
- chmod - Modifies file or directory permissions.
- passwd - Changes the user’s password.
This list covers fundamental commands to help with basic navigation, file manipulation, and system management on Linux.
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